We met in 1970 in high school. As of August 21, we will have been married 47 years. They have been good years, and that’s partly because of the advances of modern medicine. Like most families, we’ve survived illnesses and injuries that could have been deadly in an earlier time. These advances in medicine improved our lives, and we’re grateful.
Our ability to control our family size was another important benefit of modern medicine. We wanted to have two children, and that’s what we have: two wonderful daughters, now grown. We were free to choose our family size without the intervention of rules or laws inhibiting this fundamental right.
Believe it or not, there are some who would take us back to the dark ages by outlawing access to birth control. Just last week, the Right to Contraception Act was voted down in the U.S. Senate. This act would protect the right of individuals to access and use contraceptives and the right of health care professionalsto provide contraceptives and contraception information. Although there were 51 votes in favor, 60 votes were needed to overcome the Republican filibuster. Incredibly, every Republican senator, except for Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, voted against the Right to Contraception Act.
Those senators and the Republicans who agree with them need to understand our anger at their attacks on our freedom. We urge you to use your vote this fall to tell them how wrong they are.
Rick and Barbara Burt
Athens, GA
This is a reason why I don't have a political party. Democrats have no idea of economics. Republicans, the "party of personal freedom" chose to deny freedom to women, an idiotic policy. None of them have ever been able to explain to me what is "conservative" about overpopulation. And how having unwanted children is a good idea. Every child should be wanted and cared for. Birth control is a means of seeing that every child is a wanted one.
You are entitled to your opinion. Mine is different.