By Joe Johnson
An Athens woman was recently arrested after she tried to attack two neighbors with a knife and spit on two other people, according to an Athens-Clarke County police report.
The incident occurred Thursday night at Midtown Village apartments, where 29-year-old Candice Renee Littlejohn got into an argument with a male neighbor over a parking space, according to the report.
The man’s girlfriend got involved in the argument and the altercation grew as onlookers gathered and the action moved into the breezeway of Littlejohn’s apartment building, according to the report.
Littlejohn then went into her apartment and came back out, holding a knife over her head while making chopping motions and advancing toward the two neighbors with whom she initially began arguing.
When onlookers intervened, Littlejohn returned to her apartment and came back out without the knife, according to the police report.
When officers arrived on the scene Littlejohn was on a stairway, reportedly yelling comments and vulgarities in order to incite a fight with the people who had gathered. The report indicated that the woman ignored an officer’s commands to leave the crowd and come to him.
When a 12-year-old girl stepped between Littlejohn and her mother to keep them apart, Littlejohn allegedly spit on them multiple times after “hacking a loogie,” the officer noted in the report.
“In a time where COVID-19, along with other contagious viruses or diseases have the human population in a panic mode, it is unknown why Littlejohn chose to spit on other people,” the officer wrote in the report.
After numerous other officers arrived to restore order and disperse the crowd, Littlejohn was arrested and charged with aggravated assault for the attempted knife attack, reckless conduct for “the discharge of large amounts of bodily fluids without regard for the safety of others,” and obstruction of law enforcement for not obeying officer commands.
While being transported to jail, Littlejohn admitted that she tried to attack her two neighbors with a knife, according to the police report.
She was released from custody Friday evening, upon posting good security bonds totaling $3,000, according to the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office.