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Just a Piece of Paper

Some members of the legislature propose eliminating concealed carry permits. 88% of Americans think you should get a permit before carrying a concealed gun in public.

In Georgia, people can acquire firearms from a licensed gun dealership or through a private sale. In the former case, there is a mandatory background check. There is no mandatory background check for a private sale, but a gun owner must obtain a permit for concealed carry of a firearm.

To receive a concealed carry permit, you must: be 21 years old; a US citizen or permanent resident; have no felony convictions; no criminal record involving a controlled substance; not be subject to a restraining order relating to possessing a firearm without a permit or in an off-limits area; no misdemeanor for drug use within five years; be mentally fit; not be a fugitive from justice or have an arrest warrant; not have had your firearm permit revoked within three years; meet other federal law requirements needed for a concealed carry weapons permit.

A concealed carry weapons permit is not, “just a piece of paper”. It is an indispensable protection for all Georgians.

The Georgia permit procedure does not violate the Second Amendment. The Supreme Court has never held otherwise.

When states weaken law enforcement’s authority to deny permits to people who pose a danger, violent crime rates rise by 13-15 percent over what would have been expected without the change.

Eliminating the permit requirement is an irresponsible idea that endangers law enforcement and all Georgians and adds nothing to protecting them.

Bruce Menke


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10 comentarios

12 feb 2022

Bruce Menke, state your source in increased crime please for states that have constitutional carry. Also, please site statistics from Georgia's existing concealed permitting supporting it. Where is it reducing violent crime? Look forward to countering your data!

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15 feb 2022
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Crickets....The hypocrisy of concern with gun violence while railing about concealed permit while never uttering a word about enforcement of violations especially while committing a crime is an utter joke that removes all credibility from your fake concern.

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11 feb 2022

I was going to vote for Kemp, but if he and any other office holder supports this, I will definitely not vote for them.

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12 feb 2022
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Hold your nose for one candidates fart or you'll be standing in another candidates shit.

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Miembro desconocido
11 feb 2022

There is one giant flaw in your argument... The people you think the permit keeps from carrying a firearm are criminals and don't give a isht about the law. They are going to carry a gun regardless of that piece of paper.

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Danielle Cooper
Danielle Cooper
15 feb 2022
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Exactly! It's not gun's that's killing people. It's people killing people. Your right a permit and stricter requirements needed to carry won't matter. 13 year olds carry weapons in today's world. The only thing this will do is make it hard for those who are legally allowed to carry. If you are unlicensed to carry the consequences still will remain the same.

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