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Stay safe, vote from home

Applications to vote by mail for the postponed Presidential Preference Primary and the regular primary races on May 19 will be sent to every registered Georgia voter this month because of COVID-19. Voting by mail is convenient and it will keep you safe. It may become your preferred method of meeting your civic responsibility as there is no standing in line, taking time off, or transportation problems to solve. Simply fill out your absentee application form completely and accurately; then mail it back in. You will be sent an official absentee ballot in the mail.

If you are not registered to vote, you have until April 20 to register and request an absentee ballot. Register to vote at with a cell phone or computer or go to your local Board of Elections (BOE) office.

Registered voters who don’t receive an application for an absentee ballot by mid-April should check at to make sure your address is current. If not, make corrections and either download an application or contact your local BOE office.

Fill out your absentee ballot completely. Follow the instructions on the return envelope, where you must sign an oath; otherwise, your ballot could be rejected. Either return your absentee ballot by mail using two postage stamps or hand deliver it to your local BOE office on or before election day.

Our government does a number of things to enable us to exercise our right to vote. Voting by mail is one of them.

Regina A. Smith


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