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2024 Winder Fire Academy Graduation

New Winder firefighters Drew Burnett, Jeff Brooks, Jaden Griffiths, and Christian Strickland.

The Winder Fire Department has welcomed four new firefighters who recently graduated from the city's fire academy.

"We received 14 applications and the four guys that we’ve offered the jobs to I am so excited about," Fire Chief Matt Whiting said. "They are good people and my theory and my belief over the last few years is not just to hire people because of their certification, I want to hire good people that will serve the city for a long time.”

The new firefighter are Drew Burnett, Jeff Brooks, Jaden Griffiths, and Christian Strickland.

The new recruits successfully completed an intense 12-week training program that began in mid-October. Training Officer Lieutenant Casey Wright coordinates and oversees the Fire Academy training.Lt. Wright shared with those in attendance, “Our rookie school equips them with over 400 hours training this is both classroom and hands-on training. All the skills they learn prepares them to take the NPQF and be ready to fight fire.”

Wright also expressed his appreciation for the team of firefighters that assisted in the comprehensive training schedule. 

“We have guys who work here who are the best of what they do, we have guys who go outside of our department and offer training to other departments, so we have subject matter experts that absolutely have the ability to provide the best training possible," Wright said.

Last month the four recruits successfully passed the National Professional qualification firefighter I exam and the subsequent exams for HAZMAT certification.

"I feel very confident that we have hired four exceptional young men that are going to serve this department and that are going to serve the citizens of Winder for a long time," Chief Whiting said.

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