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ACC commissioners vote today on redistricting, public input sought

By Karen and Bruce Menke

Great news! But we still need your help!

Athenians demanded a stop to the redistricting proposed by state Representatives Marcus Wiedower and Houston Gaines and state Senators Frank Ginn and Bill Cowsert and which would have changed the commission districts of 2/3 of voters in Athens, prevented three commissioners from serving in their own districts and divided the Historic African American community in East Athens. Their voices have been heard loud and clear.

State Representative Spencer Frye has helpfully prepared revised district maps which contain the needed changes to achieve uniform voter numbers in the districts but do not make massive changes in districts, prevent serving commissioners from representing their districts or divide the historic African American community in East Athens. The maps have additional important features. Please see the link below for Spencer Frye's press release and the revised maps.

Mayor Girtz has convened a special session of the commissioners to vote to approve the new maps today at 4:30 pm;

Once the commissioners have approved the maps, the maps will be presented for approval by the full ACC legislative delegation (Representatives Frye, Wiedower and Gaines and Senators Ginn and Cowsert).

We need your help one more time to bring this process to a successful conclusion!

Please contact Representatives Marcus Wiedower and Houston Gaines and Senators Frank Ginn and Bill Cowsert to urge them to vote “yes” on the revised commission district maps prepared by Representative Spencer Frye.

Your voice makes all the difference!

Interested persons can find information on the specially called meeting at:

The meeting can also be attended virtually.

Marcus Wiedower: (404) 656-0325

Houston Gaines: (404) 656--0298

Frank Ginn: (706) 680-4466

Bill Cowsert: (706) 543-7700

Representative Spencer Frye Press Release and Revised Commission District Maps:

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