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Athens-Clarke resident shares concerns his ballot was illegal

Terry Scott Howard

An Athens-Clarke County resident spent all of Election Day driving to various government offices in an unsuccessful attempt to get a printout of the candidates that he voted for.

The only thing he got was a printout with a QR code with no names, which 53-year-old Scott Howard of Winterville claimed was illegal.

The day after, he filed a complaint with the Georgia Secretary of State’s State Election Board, just one of many, some of which are already being adjudicated in court.

Howard subsequently shared with Classic City News the following correspondence between himself and State Election Board Chair and former federal Judge William S. Duffey Jr.:

Judge Duffy,

My name is Terry “Scott” Howard, I live in Winterville Georgia @ (address redacted by CCN)

I attempted to vote yesterday at 9 a.m. in the Winterville Train Depot. I presenting my ballot at the tabulator. I requested to have my ballot printed (QR Code) to be voter verifiable human readable text to validate the choices as printed. This request was denied.

I went to the Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections & Voter Registration office in downtown Athens -- Charlotte Sosebee denied this request. Quote: ” Above her pay grade.”

I drove from Athens-Clarke County to the State Capital ( SOS) office where the office was closed -- phone number on the door indicated to call for assistance. My request was denied.

Ballot was returned and was not counted.

State Election Board Rule 183-1-15-02: In a format readable by the elector- Human readable text.

HB 316: A vote cast on an optical scan ballot marked by an electronic ballot marker shall be the choices indicated by the printed paper ballot.

I have filed a complaint in ACCPD case # 2022-11090077.

Filed a complaint with the SOS office -- the investigator (Gilbert Humes) has to date been less than forthcoming and has not provided communication or documentation to resolve this troubling matter.

As an American Citizen, my constitutional right to vote has been violated.

Scott Howard

Mr. Howard: Thank you for your email. I understand that you have filed a complaint with the State Election Board and an investigator has been assigned to it. There is ongoing litigation in state and federal court on the issue you present. We will process your complaint after the investigation of it is complete.

Best regards.

William S. Duffey, Jr.


State Election Board

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