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DA Gonzalez Announces Data Transparency Initiative

Western Circuit District Attorney Deborah Gonzalez has announced that Luminosity, Inc. will be assisting her office in developing an online dashboard that will for the first time provide the public with convenient access to basic facts about the criminal justice system in Athens-Clarke and Oconee counties.

The DA’s office and Luminosity have entered into an agreement under which they will work together to map out the data contained in the office’s computerized case management system, develop metrics for evaluating priority issues and create an online data dashboard that members of the public will find easy to use. As part of its commitment to public service, Luminosity will provide consulting services free of charge.

An announcement from the DA's office said the project is an outgrowth of Gonzalez’s commitment to informing the public about the work of the office.

“As I stated on my first day in office less than three months ago, any public agency that is serious about accomplishing its stated goals will emphasize monitoring its progress and being transparent about the degree of its success,” Gonzalez said. “This project is an important first step toward achieving that goal and delivering on my promise to bring transparency and accountability to this office.

It remains unclear what specific data will be available through the dashboard.

"A lot of that is still to be determined," David Lyle, the DA's director of external affairs, told Classic City News. "We’ll want to have discussions with people in the community about what they would find most useful," he said, "but we can say there will be basic information about how the DA’s office handles cases: what comes in, types of dispositions, also likely how long it takes and other related matters. And then over time you can identify trends."

Luminosity, Inc. is a women-owned small business whose mission is to advance pretrial justice in America. For nearly two decades, it has leveraged data analytics and to improve public safety, fairness, and cost effectiveness in communities across the country. “After partnering with jurisdictions ranging from New York City to Charlotte, NC, we are excited to offer our experience and expertise on these issues to the people of Athens-Clarke and Oconee Counties,” said Luminosity Director of Data Analytics Dr. Marie VanNostrand.

Work on the project will begin immediately, and completion and public launch of the data portal is scheduled for the fall of 2021.

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