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Injuries reported in downtown Athens shooting

By Joe Johnson

Multiple people reportedly were injured early Sunday when gunfire erupted in downtown Athens.

An Athens-Clarke County Police Department source confirmed that officers responded to reports of gunfire sometime after 2 a.m. and located more than one victim who were transported to the hospital.

No one from ACCPD responded to requests for official information about the incident.

Some social media postings indicate that people were at Waffle House on West Clayton Street when they heard gunshots, possibly in the area of Clayton and Pulaski streets.

"This was terrifying for me as a mom," someone said in a Facebook post. "Got a call from my daughter who was hiding."

Classic City News will update this story as more information becomes available.

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It’s easier and easier to get a gun in georgia. Even the good guys have them!


Izzy Mendalbaum
Izzy Mendalbaum
Oct 30, 2023

Aren't we lucky to live in a state where almost anyone can walk the streets with a gun. Sure, these guns were likely stolen. Stolen from someone who thought the gun would protect them. Till it's used against them. Fewer guns, less gun crime. Harsher gun sentences, fewer gun users on our streets. Oh, and a really tall fence with lots of vicious dogs would be nice.


Aunty Lib.
Oct 30, 2023

As of Monday AM I can not find info about this incident on any other news.

If UGA students had been involved this would have made the Atlanta news and it would compete with the GSU shooting news.

Just local thugs and it does not matter to the other news outlets.


Oct 30, 2023

How many shooting incidents have we had? Can you be specific?


Oct 29, 2023

Come to Athens, party late, commit a crime and you will be back on the street in no time.

Perhaps the engine of Athens, UGA, will get involve to protect their money making machine. Can't have enrollment fall off due to crime. Kids will not take out those student loans. Tuition cannot increase.

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