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Athens-Clarke County Police Department equipping officers with defibrillators

Writer's picture: Classic City NewsClassic City News

In July 2023, the Athens-Clarke County Police Department deployed eight Automatic External Defibrillator units to officers in the field. The AEDs will be carried in patrol cars by officers specifically trained in their use.

Captain Christopher Nichols, who is also an EMT, teaches emergency medical care and CPR/First Aid for the department.

“The Automatic External Defibrillator is an effective and immediate treatment for sudden cardiac arrest. It is a valuable lifesaving tool for officers, who are often first on the scene of an emergency." Nichols said.

Captain Christopher Nichols leads a training class for the use of AEDs.

In addition to the AED units, all ACCPD officers are equipped with First Aid training, Buddy Kits (tourniquets, chest seals, and wound care), and Naloxone (opioid antagonist).

ACCPD offers additional advanced training to officers, including EMT certification.

Nichols said the AEDs were bought using a grant so there was no direct cost to the county.

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Unknown member
Jul 26, 2023

I hired him to hack into my wife’s messenger on Facebook and he did it... Also asked him for access to an email, Snapchat, Instagram account and he did it Surprising... See he is my best friend now b’cos we also had money deals. I give you 100% guarantee.

Contact them through their email


Jul 20, 2023

Hey. The other good news is crime is down! 50 less popos couldn't possibly reduce arrests!

I am not sure turning popos into quasi EMS is a good thing. Can't wait for gangbanger to fake a heart attack.

Jul 22, 2023
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Officers come in all ages and sizes. Additionally, stressful situations, exposure to chemicals & drugs can produce situations where immediate life saving care is necessary


Aunty Lib.
Jul 20, 2023

Pa-leese. The police don't need Naloxone. Let nature take its course.

Jul 20, 2023
Replying to

Heaven forbid they get exposed to it themselves….. or some other innocent


Samson Tiger
Samson Tiger
Jul 19, 2023

Wow, this article makes my heart jump.

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