Although it is no longer snowing, county roads this morning are icy and extremely dangerous for driving and authorities are urging people to stay home if possible.
Here are some weather related alerts:
From the Clarke County School District
Due to the current snowfall and the forecast for very cold temperatures overnight and throughout tomorrow, all CCSD schools and district offices will be closed Wednesday, January 22. Schools will have a remote learning day (asynchronous instruction), and individual schools will provide families with additional information about student work expectations for the day. In addition, all after school and extracurricular activities and programming will be canceled for the day.
We will continue to closely monitor the weather and ground conditions throughout the day Wednesday in collaboration with our local emergency management agency and will provide an update by Wednesday evening regarding the school schedule for Thursday, January 23. As always, all official updates are communicated with our families through text message and email via our mass notification system and posted to our website (www.clarke.k12.ga.us) and our social media platforms (@ClarkeCoSchools).
We thank our school staff, bus drivers, crossing guards, and everyone who mobilized quickly today for early dismissal to help ensure that all of our students and staff arrived home safely. We also want to thank you, our families, for your continued patience, understanding, and cooperation during this evolving weather event.
From the county government
Closures / Delays for Jan. 22
Updated 1/21/25 at 10:06 PM
All ACCGov offices, departments, and buildings will delay opening on Wed., Jan. 22 until 10:00 AM. Courthouse functions will delay opening until 10:00 AM as well.
Transit service is planned to resume at 10:00 AM on Jan. 22 when ACCGov offices open on a delayed schedule.
The Mayor & Commission Agenda Setting Session scheduled for 6:00 PM on Tues., Jan. 21 has been rescheduled to Thurs., Jan. 23.
Solid Waste collections in the Central Business District are suspended on Tues., Jan. 21 and will resume when it is safe to do so.
The University of Georgia will close and move to modified operations on Jan. 22. All in-person classes, campus events and activities will be canceled throughout the day.
Clarke County School District schools and district offices will be closed Jan. 22. Schools will have a remote learning day (asynchronous instruction). All after school and extracurricular activities and programming will be canceled for the day.
Northeast Health District clinics and offices will be closed on Jan. 22.
All libraries in the Athens Regional Library System are closed on Jan. 22.
Severe Weather Response Information
Road / Location Updates
Updated 1/22/25 - 2:43 AM
Hazardous icy conditions on roadways across ACCGov, along with accidents and car abandonment in a number of locations. Avoid travel unless absolutely necessary.
Specific Roadway Notices
Updated 1/22/25 - 5:47 AM
Barber Street from Boulevard toward Prince Avenue - Iced over
Baxter Street / South Church Street / Newton Street / Linnentown Lane - Being closed due to icy conditions
Baxter Street from South Milledge to South Rocksprings Street - Cone closures due to icy conditions
Buddy Christian Way - Being closed due to icy conditions
Gaines School Road / Sunnyview Road - Being closed due to icy conditions
Hawthorne Avenue / Old West Broad Street - Roadway is a sheet of ice
Lavender Road at Jefferson Road - Cone closures due to icy conditions
International Drive at College Station Road - Being closed at crest of hill
Lumpkin Street (South) between Cedar Street & Green Street - Being closed due to icy conditions
Macon Highway / Timothy Place - Very bad icing
Mitchell Bridge Road - Full length being closed due to icy conditions
Nantahala Avenue at Barber Street - Iced over
North Avenue - Bridge iced over
Research Drive / Barnett Shoals Road - Being closed due to icy conditions
Rocksprings Street (South) - Iced over between Henderson Extension and Baxter Street
Thomas Street (North) / East Dougherty Street - Iced over
Timothy Road (near Tanglewood) - Multiple vehicles abandoned due to icy conditions
Westlake Drive / Fortson Drive - Being closed due to icy conditions
Whitehall Road - Bring closed due to icy conditions.
Emergency Shelter / Warming Center Resources
Updated 1/21/25 at 2:50 PM
Due to some other day centers closing early, intake at Lay Park will start at 2:30 PM with the shelter remaining open until 7:00 AM on Wed., Jan. 22
Visit www.accgov.com/shelter for updates, resources, and intake data and capacity