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Kin of military hero appalled by Trump’s constant disrespect

By Regina A. Smith

My uncle left his leg, the better part of his mental health for the rest of his life, and what was left of his best friend after they were hit by a mortar on Omaha Beach on D-Day, 1944.

Common decency and respect require that we honor the sacrifices our military has made through the ages.  Former President Donald Trump repeatedly demonstrates that he has no respect for military service.  

He ducked out on his own service; disparaged John McCain for being shot down, caught, and locked in a prison for years; calledAmericans buried at Normandy “losers” and “suckers”, refusingto visit their graves because it was sprinkling rain; compared a Gold Star family’s loss with his own trials and tribulations in the real estate business; reallocated Pentagon funding to a useless wall; berated a top military general for choosing a servicemanwho’d lost a leg in Afghanistan to sing “God Bless America”; wanted “his” generals to fire on protesters to clear out the park across from the White House so he could pose for a picture in front of a church holding a Bible; and had the audacity recently to equate the Congressional Medal of Honor with the Presidential Medal of Freedom because the Medal of Honor went to dead or shot up people and live people got the latter.  Last week he posed for a photo-op in Armington National Cemetery, fully knowing it was not allowed.  He never, ever apologizes for his disrespectful behavior.

This man, who constantly insults members of the military, demeaning their sacrifice, wants to be President of the United States? How has he held onto the allegiance of so many veterans and active duty servicemen and women? How many ways must he show who he is before people come to their senses?

Regina A. Smith is a resident of Athens

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2 commentaires

Looks like some people can't get there information from any other source than CNN. 10 min search on the Google will debunk half this article. Also Biden used Arlington in a campaign commercial....did you know that?


BS Detector
BS Detector
01 sept.

I can't afford another 4 years of a Democrat run country, groceries are still too high and savings haven't recovered from 2022. Then we have a raving cannonball who scares me worse if re-elected and will erode women's right to their bodies even further. Trump is NOT a man of God, but Christains fall for his crap. This country is in trouble no matter who is elected !

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