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Trump's failed moral leadership

Writer's picture: Classic City NewsClassic City News

The moral failing of leadership was apparent long before the Woodward book.  Donald Trump’s actions and inaction have led to more sickness and more death than would have otherwise occurred. To take just two obvious  examples: his cavalier-to-hostile attitudes about face coverings and physical distancing have killed people. There are many, many other examples. That doesn’t mean that the administration hasn’t done some positive things to combat the virus, but the mistakes – often made out of breathtaking incompetence and misguided political calculation – loom larger.  Those are errors of judgment and indecency that Mr. Trump and his enablers such as Senator David Perdue will certainly have to account for to a higher authority. With the Atlantic article revealing his comments about those that fought and died in the Vietnam War as “suckers”, will Trump suffer further political damage with Woodward’s “60 Minutes” Sunday appearance? There are also charges from a new whistleblower, making allegations about the suppression of information on Russia and right-wing domestic threats, is, if true, perhaps the most bold whistleblower claim in the history of the administration.  The failure of Team Trump to come even close to keeping pace on fundraising with Team Biden is significant.  All of this dominates the news cycles and it doesn’t take a PhD from the Trump University political science department to know that a campaign that is behind can’t afford to lose too many news cycles this close to the start of early voting. Anyone but the staunchest Trump apologist knows that what the president said to Woodward about downplaying the virus is both symbolically and substantively the embodiment of why Trump is not the right person for the job.  He’s fallen down on a key aspect of presidential leadership in a crisis, which requires serious and credible communication.  The president’s most fervent defenders might dismiss this as “just words,” but what leaders say matters, or we wouldn’t remember how Lincoln, FDR and Churchill rallied their peoples at times of testing.  Never Trump now more than ever is right for America.

Peggy Perkins


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Terri Leigh Farmer
Terri Leigh Farmer
Oct 23, 2020

Biden will Ruin this Country, he is a typical long term politician! Go ahead make the mistake of voting for the chicken, he has no back bone! We need a Tough President like Trump to Lead us! Not one who will give and our jobs away to foreign countries, to the highest bidders! Trump 2020!


Terri Leigh Farmer
Terri Leigh Farmer
Oct 19, 2020

I voted for Trump and Collins too! 😘


Terri Leigh Farmer
Terri Leigh Farmer
Oct 19, 2020

That is if Biden taxes everyone 400,000+!


Terri Leigh Farmer
Terri Leigh Farmer
Oct 19, 2020

Biden is a career Politician who will ruin this Country! Trump is a business man who has grown our economy! If he taxes 400,000+ who you think gives you jobs? Not Poor people? They will stop making new jobs and firing folks again! Our economy will go go splat again! Biden and Democrats are stupid but go ahead ruin what Trump has done! They want to take your money not let you grow it, yourself, sad but true! I Voted for Trump he knows what he is doing! Y’all should too! Take care, Terri 😘

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