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Effective May 1 - September 30, 2024

From the Winder Fire Department:

Attention Winder residents: Please be advised that a state-mandated burn ban is now in effect from May 1st until October 1st. This annual ban is enforced to help improve air quality during the warmer months when conditions are more susceptible to fires.

During this period, no open burning of yard debris, or other materials is permitted. This includes items such as leaves, branches, and other plant material. The burn ban applies to all residential and commercial properties throughout the state.

Compliance is critical to ensure the safety of our community and to help maintain healthy air conditions. Violations of the burn ban can result in penalties, so we urge everyone to adhere to these rules.

For more information on the burn ban, including tips on alternative methods for disposing of yard debris and other permissible activities during the ban period, please visit Burn Ban Georgia.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our air clean and our community safe.

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