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Athens man fears for life after crack addicted wife threw boiling water on him, threatened to kill

By Joe Johnson

Police said they were seeking arrest warrants for an Athens woman who threw boiling water on her husband and threatened to kill him because he refused to give her drug money and hid her crack pipe.

The man told police that he feared for his life because his wife had previously stabbed him with a knife and threw boiling water on him during arguments about drugs.

The most recent incident occurred early the morning of Jan. 26 at the couple’s home on Brookside Avenue, where the 58-year-old suspect allegedly became angry because her husband would not give her money to buy crack, according to an Athens-Clarke County police report.

The victim reportedly told officers that his wife got even more upset after he hid her “shooter,” a metal tube for smoking crack cocaine.

He said that the woman has used cocaine the past 16 years, and to keep her from finding the shooter he wrapped it in paper towels and stuffed it into a laundry basket that he hid in the bedroom closet, the police report noted.

He said that his wife left their apartment, but later “busted” her way back in, then stormed into the bedroom screaming that she was going to kill him while holding a knife and pot of boiling water, which she threw at him, scarring his chest, according to the report, which indicated that the man “feared for his life” and planned to file for a divorce.

Officers advised the man on how to obtain a restraining order and provided information about the Project Safe family violence victim support agency, according to the police report.

An officer wrote in the report that he intended to take out warrants charging the woman with aggravated assault and battery under the state Family Violence Act.

The suspect had not been arrested as of Thursday afternoon.

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