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CCSD announces 2021 fiscal year budget and millage rate hearings

The Clarke County Board of Education gave tentative approval to the fiscal year 2021

budget of $164,080,447 on May 21, 2020, based on the continuance of the tentative millage rate of 20 mills.

Due to the district’s millage rate being higher than the rollback rate (the rate that would be used to produce the same amount of taxes collected last year), the hearing schedule is detailed below, as required by state law. There is an expected increase of 5.47 percent for property taxes levied in 2020.

While the millage rate for the school district is to remain at the tentative 20 mills, this estimate would, in effect, increase overall collection by 1.086 mills.

All meetings will be held using video conferencing through the website (see meeting IDs and passwords below). Written comments can be emailed to prior to the

meetings. These meetings can also be accessed by calling 646-876-9923 and using the meeting IDs provided for the respective time.

Date Meeting Time Meeting ID Password

June 9 Millage Rate Hearing 1 p.m. 921 7332 1098 970935

June 9 Budget Hearing 5:30 p.m. 978 7353 6653 922447

June 9 Millage Rate Hearing 6 p.m. 963 9664 2515 089963

June 16 Budget Hearing 5:30 p.m. 940 8518 7166 149082

June 16 Millage Rate Hearing 6 p.m. 989 6187 6644 039659

Each year, the assessed value for the taxable property in Athens-Clarke County is recalculated, and the Board of Tax Assessors is required by law to reassess values based on fair market value.

The proposed tax increase for a home with a fair market value of $225,000 is approximately $86.88, and the proposed tax increase for non-homestead property with a fair market value of $250,000 is approximately $108.60.

The Board of Education is scheduled to give final approval to the proposed budget and millage rate at a called meeting at 6 p.m., June 25.

The link for this meeting will be published on the CCSD website at

Additional information on the budget is available at

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